The rollout has ficially begun now that Beyoncé has announced the release date for her Ivy Park x Adidas collection. The superstar singer took to Instagram on Wednesday evening to share two pictures promoting the line, along with a video to add to the hype. “These barriers are not gonna stop me,” a woman says in the clip. The visual is can expect from the coveted collection including sneakers, modified tracksuits, and face masks.
Beyoncé and her bevy models are shown throughout, and it’s expected that the collection will sell out as soon as it’s available on January 18. Ivy Park’s so fans have been awaiting this collection for quite some time. The music mogul spoke with Elle about her forthcoming line back in December 2019.
“This new line is fun and lends itself to creativity, the ultimate power. I focused on designing a uni*** collection footwear and apparel because I saw so many men in Ivy Park,” she said. “The way they have embraced the brand is an unexpected gift. I appreciate the beauty gender-neutral clothing and breaking the so-called fashion rules. We all have the confidence in us to take chances and bet on ourselves.” Check it out below.