When jumped on stage in the middle the 2020 Academy Awards, everybody in the crowd and at home was equally surprised. For starters, the rapper barely ever leaves the house. If he does, something big is going on. On top that, his single “Lose Yourself,” which he was asked to sing, was released over a decade prior, making his appearance all the more confusing. To the naked eye, it would appear as though his performance went f without a hitch. During his , however, he explained what went seriously wrong.

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After getting through the first verse, Eminem tells Mike Tyson that he felt something hanging between his legs before realizing that the mic pack he clipped onto his belt had come loose. None this was shown on camera, but he apparently tried frantically to get it back in its position and, when he finally succeeded, the song was already over.
“We rehearsed for that shit… I know the words to ‘Lose Yourself,’ but we rehearsed that shit extra extra extra just so we didn’t fuck that up. And that was the one thing we didn’t plan for. And course it went wrong. I was like ‘motherfuck…'”
The is available below. What was your favorite part the interview?