George Floyd’s Sister Featured in New ‘Biden for President’ National Ad Calling for Change

George Floyd’s Sister Featured in New ‘Biden for President’ National Ad Calling for Change

Biden for President has released a new national ad that is championing for change. The ad features Bridgett Floyd, the sister of George Floyd, giving a personal message about standing up for change and the power of voting in the wake of the tragic killing of her brother by law enforcement in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Today, October 14, should have been the 47th birthday for George Floyd. The ad, “Change,” will air nationally across television, radio, and digital outlets. Bridgett also highlights the Floyd family’s conversation with Vice President Biden after the death of Floyd, along with highlighting the true compassion Biden has for the moment.

“We need a change, and we need it now,” Bridgett said. “Biden is the change we need.”