KRS-One Releases New Album ‘Between Da Protests’

KRS-One Releases New Album ‘Between Da Protests’

One of the greatest artists that Hip-Hop has ever seen, KRS-One, is back with a new album, Between Da Protests.

The music definitely is the set of the times across 13 tracks crafted by the Bronx native.

For KRS, this album is his 23rd effort, extending a legendary career even further.

“This is revolution music! I was going to wait until sometime in 2021 to begin the releasing of singles, but I think we need this right now!” KRS-One said to HHNM. “As I see it, it is not just about protesting injustice; it is also about being just. It is also about staying motivated and focused upon what is real and what is right, and not getting distracted by the obvious hype.”

You can hear it in full below.