10 Best 21st Century Hair Metal Albums, Chosen by Crazy Lixx
Crazy Lixx, Sweden's reigning 21st century hair metal group, have been at it for almost two decades, pumping out high octane glam that not only restores the anthemic, party-time vibe of the '80s, but re-tool it to fit well within the modern era. While we're not asking you to abandon your multi-platinum hair metal records you've held so dearly for 30 to 40 years, it's time you treat your ears to something newer, which is why we invited guitarist and singer Danny Rexon to school you in 10 Awesome 21st Century Hair Metal Albums.
Why ’Hair Metal’ you ask? Well, even though it was probably used as a bit of a derogatory term back in the day it has become a very fitting description for much of the hard rock music that I grew up with and loved as a kid, from the mainstream, poppy tunes of Def Leppard or Bon Jovi all the way to the punky and sleazy stuff of Skid Row or Guns n’ Roses.
If they’ve got long hair and they play it on the radio or MTV, it’s hair metal. That was basically the criteria for it when I was a kid. So, naturally when you hear the term ’Hair Metal’ you think of the '80s or early '90s, but how has the genre survived and been revived on this side of the millennium? Let's find out!
Crazy Lixx's new album, 'Street Lethal,' drops Nov. 5 on Frontiers Music SRL. Get your copy here and follow the band on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.
Crazy Lixx, "Rise Above" Music Video
10 Awesome 21st Century Hair Metal Albums, Chosen by Crazy Lixx
Top 30 Hair Metal Albums