See Megadeth Play New Song ‘We’ll Be Back’ Live for the First Time
Megadeth unveiled the track "We'll Be Back" from their upcoming album The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead! a few months ago, but they played it live for the very first time during a show earlier this week.
The thrashers are currently out on the road with Five Finger Death Punch, The Hu and Fire From the Gods. They debuted "We'll Be Back" during their concert in Irvine, Calif. on Aug. 24 [via Setlist.fm], making it the first new song they've tackled live in 2022. They played eight other songs during the performance, mostly all of them from different albums.
See fan-filmed footage of their live debut of "We'll Be Back" below.
Following the show, Megadeth received certifications for three of their singles — 1992’s "Symphony of Destruction," which reached the platinum status, and 1986’s "Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying?" and 1990’s "Holy Wars…The Punishment Due," both of which are now gold.
Congrats to Megadeth!
"We'll Be Back" was the first that Megadeth released from the new album back in June with an accompanying short filmed titled "We'll Be Back: Chapter I," which was the first installment in a trilogy of videos connected to the record. The second one, "Nightstalkers: Chapter II," came out toward the end of July with the song "Nightstalkers," and features rapper Ice-T. The third single "Soldier On!" came out earlier this month but didn't include a video, so it's only a matter of time before we get to see Chapter 3.
"For the first time in a long time, everything that we needed on this record is right in its place," frontman Dave Mustaine teased earlier this summer. "I can't wait for the public to get hold of this!"
Get tickets to Megadeth's current tour here. Their next performance is scheduled for tonight in Phoenix, Ariz. The Sick, the Dying… and the Dead! will be out Sept. 2 through UMe and can be pre-ordered with this link.