Shady Nasty – "AA"
In recent years, Shady Nasty have built up a good bit buzz back home in their native Australia. Soon, they’ll be playing Stateside for the first time, first in NYC for New Colossus and then at SXSW. Ahead that, they’re releasing an EP called Bad Posture. They’ve already shared two songs from it — “Jewellery” and “Get Buff” — and today they’re back with a third ahead its release next month.
The latest single is called “AA.” Much Bad Posture is built on roiling music that catalogs struggles with mental health and addiction, and apparently “AA” hones in on those topics through a specific, unsettling experience. “‘AA’ sees a band member speak to his declining mental health after a painful lung operation,” the band explained in a press release. “Sinking untold hours into FPS and RPG video games during his recovery, his grip on reality begins to slip.”
You can hear every bit that experience and breakdown in the structure “AA.” At first, the song lurches ahead on thudding bass notes, unnervingly pushing itself forward into something foreboding. From there, tension ratchets up incrementally until the whole thing erupts into yells and sheets distorted guitar. Check it out below.
01 “Jewellery”
02 “Get Buff”
03 “AA”
04 “77SUNK”
03/13 – New York, NY @ New Colossus Festival (Pianos @ 3:45PM)
03/13 – New York, NY @ New Colossus Festival (The Delancey @ 8:15PM)
03/16 – Austin, TX @ SXSW
The Bad Posture EP is out 2/21 Royal Mountain Records/Inertia Music. Pre-order it here.