Watch Slothrust's Stripped-Down "Lightning Crashes" Cover "Because Why Not?"
Ooh now, feel it coming back again, like a rolling thunder chasing the wind: Live’s bubble-grunge anthem “Lightning Crashes,” this time performed acoustically by an indie upstart from a quarter-century later.
Slothrust’s Leah Wellbaum has joined the legion self-quarantined musicians posting stripped-down performances online. Like many her peers, Wellbaum has grabbed her guitar to cover a well-known song, essentially serving up musical comfort food in the midst the COVID-19 crisis. In this case, the song selection is an alternative radio classic from Live’s 1994 blockbuster Throwing Copper involving the phrase “her placenta falls to the floor.” What exactly was Ed Kowalczyk going on about? I still don’t know, but man, did it sound cool when I was 11. Now it strikes me as preposterous, but thosee hooks cannot be denied. Side note: Did you know Throwing Copper was produced by Jerry Harrison Talking Heads?
Anyway, here’s Leah Wellbaum exuding some major ’90s dorm-room energy. “First time playing it, here ya go internet!” she writes in the YouTube caption. Enjoy!