Wednesday – "Fate Is…" & "Billboard"

Wednesday – "Fate Is…" & "Billboard"

Wednesday is a project based out Asheville that’s led by Karly Hartzman, who also sings in Diva Sweetly. Early last year, Hartzman released her debut album under the name, a very good collection songs called yep definitely, and early next year she’ll release Wednesday’s first full band full-length, following an EP that came out earlier this year. The new album is called I Was Trying To Describe You To Someone, and they’re introducing it with two tracks, “Fate Is…” and “Billboard.”

They’re companion pieces a sort in that they both mention billboards and what effect, or lack there, outside suggestion can have on your state mind. The former is a tightly-coiled rocker, Hartzman’s voice reaching high to insist that “the only reason that I did it was to find out what it’s like.” The latter is looser, a smoky zone-out that erupts into a gorgeous swath guitars and feedback. You can listen to them For The Rabbits below.

01 “Fate Is…”
02 “Billboard”
03 “Love Has No Pride”
04 “Underneath”
05 “November”
06 “Maura”
07 “Coyote”
08 “Revenge Of The Lawn”

I Was Trying To Describe You To Someone is out 2/7 Orindal Records.