It looks like 50 Cent does not feel appreciated. The New York rapper and businessmen played an essential in preparing and releasing Pop Smoke’s posthumous debut album, Shoot For the Stars, Aim for the Moon. Following the Canarsie rapper’s untimely death, 50 vowed to help finish the project. He kept word on his promise and served as the executive producer for the project.
50 took to Instagram to express his frustration with behind the scenes business regarding Pop Smokes recent album.
“Not everything that I do is based on finances and money,” started Fif. “I’m not taking anything from the proceeds from anything that has anything to do with this project. It is completely about how I felt about the kid when we were talking.”
The For Life executive producer viewed Pop Smoke as his mentee. His superstar status was undeniable. In that regard, he used his resources to assure that his mentee’s project was completed. Prior to his untimely death, Pop Smoke was managed and signed to Steve Victor’s, Victor Victor record label. There is no word whether or not 50’s issues is with Steve Victor, but 50 is exiting stage left when it comes to any business regarding Pop Smoke’s album.
“I got it (the album) to this points.. it’s gonna be the #1 album,” Fif captioned. “I’m gonna be unavailable moving forward.. peace.”
Before the album’s release, Virgil Abloh was hired to create the cover art. The first draft of the art was met with much displeasure by fans, including 50. He continued to post artist who created their own versions of the cover. The final product was produced by Virgil and met with public approval.