After news broke that 41-year-old basketball icon publications scrambled to report about the accident. There was misinformation being tossed about, rumors ran rampant, and. However, only the BBC, or the British Broadcasting Corporation, mixed up their basketball stars as they shared a video clip LeBron James while reporting on Kobe Bryant’s death.

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BuzzFeed’s deputy world news editor, Matthew Champion, tweeted the clip the segment and wrote in the caption, .” Champion’s tweet brought in tens thousands likes and retweets, prompting BBC editor Paul Royall to issue an apology Twitter.
“In tonight’s coverage the death Kobe Bryant on #BBCNewsTen we mistakenly used pictures LeBron James in one section the report,” Ryall wrote. “.” The “human error” excuse wasn’t good enough for some, so take a look at the clip for yourself and let us know if it was just a careless mistake made by the BBC.