Aspiring rapper Qaw’mane “Young QC” Wilson, 30, has been sentenced to 99 years in prison for hiring a hitman to murder his mother, Yolanda Holmes, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

“The word is ‘matricide,’ meaning murder one’s own mother,” Cook County Judge Stanley Sacks said during the sentencing Friday. “Whatever he wanted, his mother gave to him. A car. A job. One could say he was spoiled. She gave Qaw’mane life, and it was his choice to take it away from her.”

The murderer, Eugene Spencer, shot holmes in her sleep in 2012, and then, knocked out Holmes’s boyfriend unconscious. Afterward, Spencer engaged in a phone call with Wilson who told Spencer, “make sure the bitch is dead.” Spencer returned to stab Holmes.

Wilson later collected money from his mother’s bank accounts, which he used to customize a Mustang that she had given him. He also tossed thousands dollars into a crowd people for a music video. The video was played for the jury.

Spencer was sentenced to 100 years in prison.

Wilson’s last words to the jury, before his sentencing, were, “I just want to say, nobody loved my mother more than me. She was all I had. That’s it.”