Over the weekend, footage surfaced online rapper being  down in Mexico. The Glo Gang rapper was apparently south the border for a show in Rosarita, Mexico, before he was taken into custody early Saturday morning for some unknown reason.

While details have remained scarce as for what actually happened, XXL is reporting that Sosa is no longer in police custody. A source close to Sosa told the media publication that Sosa is a free man again, although its unclear if he’s gone back to his home in LA or what. Peep his arresting video from this weekend (below) if you missed it.

This run-in with the law comes just a week or two after Sosa was featured on ’s album as a producer, and then again as an artist on Luv Vs The World 2. Hear his song “ if you missed it and look for more new music to be on the way as well.