Though ficials have encouraged people not to panic, Coronavirus has caused a public scare in the last few weeks. The virus itself has claimed thousands lives while the severity the illness has caused a grave economic impact across the world. Earlier this week, Dr. Anthony Fauci estimated that Coronavirus might result in in the U.S. alone while millions Americans are bound to contract the virus.

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According to a new study reported by CNN, scientists are now saying that the death rate is lower than initially expected. Obtaining research from The Lancet Infectious Diseases, health ficials and researchers are now claiming 0.66 percent those who contract the virus will die. The new report also accounts for milder cases Coronavirus that have gone undiagnosed. However, even if the death toll projection is lower than initial studies, the numbers are still higher than the 0.1% that die from the seasonal flu.
Dr. Fauci previously stated at the beginning March that the death rate could possibly be 2% but he admitted that there was likelihood that number would change “as a group it’s going to depend completely on what the factor asymptomatic cases are.”
Though this is good news, it’s still important to remember to wash your hands and practice social distancing. We’ll keep you posted on any more new scientific developments on the novel coronavirus.