The fear Coronavirus has grown exponentially in the last few weeks. As he expanded past China into North America, Europe, and other parts the world, it was only a matter time that the game name association began to impact the beer market.

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According to Bloomberg, Corona has been impacted by the fear coronavirus as memes began to scatter across the internet. Of course, those who aren’t able to differentiate the two began inquiring about whether it was Corona beer that was actually the cause the virus. “Corona beer virus” and “beer coronavirus” became prominent searches over the past few days.
Unfortunately, this isn’t one those situations where Corona is just getting the butt-end the jokes. This fiasco has even impacted their sales to an extent. As the Olympics threaten to pull out Tokyo out fear the virus, Constellation Brand shares, the company behind Corona, dipped eight percent this week. Even their buzz score, which tracks the amount brand awareness among adults, has also seen a major decline, going from a high 75 to a 51 at the beginning the year.
This might not actually entirely be because Coronavirus. YouGov’s business data said the possibility a dip in sales can be related to the fact Corona is perceived as a summer drink.