The fan at the end ‘s slap has come forward to share her side the story. It was at one the rapper’s shows in Tampa, Florida over the weekend when DaBaby was making his way to the stage through the crowd and was hit in the face with a fan’s phone. His response was to turn and hit the person in the face, but when all was said and done, the person was revealed to be a woman.

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DaBaby would, but he explained that he didn’t think he was wrong because he was just protecting himself. On Wednesday (March 11), TMZ reported that they spoke with Tyronesha Laws, the slap victim, and she told what happened from her perspective.
“We went upstairs on the stairway to take a picture at the picture booth by the stage,” she said. “I see security saying move, m I was standing next to a young lady and all a sudden I turned around and I said to my boyfriend, ‘There go DaBaby, he’s coming through.'” Then, the woman next to her “pulled out her camera” turned on the flash, and tried taking a photo. Tyronesha claims DaBaby slaps her for no reason, sending her to the floor.
“I woke up, my head was hurting really, really bad,” she told the publication. “The top my right cheekbone, it was hurting like it was tender. So, I did go to the hospital and I was diagnosed with a contusion to my cheekbone.” Tyronesha added that she saw DaBaby’s apology,
“I don’t feel like he was sincere with the apology,” Tyronesha added. “I was embarrassed. I had people calling me, writing me on Instagram through fake pages, people seeing me at my job like,It’s embarrassing. My daughter wakes up in the middle the night crying over hearing me on the phone with my lawyer talking about the situation.” Watch Tyronesha Laws detail her experience with DaBaby below.