Following a recent arrest following a hometown concert, has once again found himself in police custody. Akademiks shared some footage DaBaby being led to a police cruiser in handcuffs, as another car pulls up with sirens blaring. As now, it’s unclear as to why DaBaby was taken in, though it’s likely the reason behind his latest arrest will surface shortly. For now, all his fans can do is speculate on the nature his crime–if any was indeed committed.
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Clearly, the hip-hop police have it out for the rising star, who recently labeled “the biggest rapper in the game.” As stated earlier, , though he was ultimately released that same night. In the days that followed, DaBaby proceeded to openly blast the police department, deeming his arrest sloppy and .
We can only hope the rapper’s latest legal troubles aren’t serious, as it would be a shame to see him locked up at the height his still-young career. Stay tuned for more details on this still-developing story, and let the Free DaBaby movement commence.