The days heading to the store, buying the latest music releases and reading the CD liner notes are long gone. Now, we receive that sort content social media. Even an artist like , who has stuck around for decades, is adapting to the times, realizing that only a select number people will actually purchase a physical copy . The majority folks will be consuming it on their designated streaming service. .

“In today’s wonderful world murder has become so commonplace that we are a society obsessed and fascinated by it. I thought why not make a sport it, and murder over beats?” wrote Eminem, addressing his loyal audience. “So before you jump the gun, please allow me to explain. This album was not made for the squeamish. If you are easily fended or unnerved at the screams bloody murder, this may not be the collection for you. Certain selections have been designed to shock the conscience, which may cause positive action. Unfortunately, darkness has truly fallen upon us.”

. . The rapper continued, “So you see, murder in this instance isn’t always literal, nor pleasant. These bars are only meant for the sharpest knives in the drawer. For the victims this album, may you rest peacefully. For the rest you, please listen more closely next time.”

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