Politics can cause division within any family and, this weekend, we saw the pro that when Public Enemy and for refusing to endorse Bernie Sanders at an upcoming rally.
The legendary hypeman sent a cease and desist letter to the Bernie Sanders campaign, insisting that Public Enemy would not be performing at his rally after it was announced that Chuck D and the band would be there. After his statement though, Chuck D decided that enough was enough, erasing thirty-seven years history and giving Flavor Flav the boot. The icon has since responded to his former partner in a series tweets.

Tommaso Boddi/Getty s
“@MrChuckD are you kidding me right now???,,,over Bernie Sanders??? You wanna destroy something we’ve built over 35 years OVER POLITICS???,,,all because I don’t wanna endorse a candidate,,,I’m very disappointed in you and your decisions right now Chuck,” wrote Flavor Flav on Twitter. He continued by clarifying his previous substance abuse issues and the cease and desist letter that was issued.
“And @MrChuckD ,,,i didn’t sue you on Friday,,,i asked the @berniesanders campaign to correct misleading marketing,,,that’s all it was,,,I’m not your employee,,,i’m your partner,,,you can’t fire me,,,there is no Public Enemy without Flavor Flav,,,so let’s get it right Chuck,,, i’m not on drugs like you’re saying and have been clean for 10 years,,,i have battled addiction before and like millions other Americans I know the massive toll it takes,,,Chuck you know better than to lie about shit like that.”
Are you choosing a side in this battle?