Lori Harvey decided to celebrate her 23rd birthday a little early this year, and she definitely received the royal treatment.  Upon arriving at her hotel, Lori discovered that the whole room had been decked out with candles lining the floor and rose pedals leading up the a heart on the bed. Of course, it’s highly likely that Lori’s “alleged” () bae, , set the whole thing up. If this is the case, then it looks like  when it comes to romantic birthday surprises.

Upon seeing Lori’s snapchat story showing f the hotel room surprise, some keen observers noticed some similarities between this romantic gesture, and others Future has made for his exes,  and , while he was with them.

In a side-by-side comparison video all three birthday surprises posted by The Shade Room, the similarities between Brittni, Joie, and Lori’s rose pedal-ridden rooms are undeniable. While it’s definitely a great way to spoil your lady on her birthday, this may not be a “third times the charm” type scenario. Is it time for Future to come up with something else?