Instagram is probably the most popular social media platform out there, providing us with the interaction we crave from both a visual and informational perspective. Also, IG is just one the most helpful tools when you want to be nosy by staying up on the whereabouts friends and loved ones. Some those faces may appear more frequently than others though, which may be due to this latest update to the app.

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The new feature in question lets you see “most shown in feed” followers as well as “least interacted with” ones. All you have to do is go to your ‘Following” list to see the two groups, which at the moment has no real function but could give you an idea those you may be ignoring unintentionally. On the other side, it may give you a better idea about why you tend to see someone a little more than you may want to. Hey, there’s always the mute button if the latter proves to be an issue.
Does this latest Instagram update change the way you look at your followers? Let us know over in the comments, and make sure to give us a follow at @hnhh_ficial!