Jared Leto, the notable actor turned musician, shared the aftermath footage the moment a rock-climbing incident could have led to his death. The 48-year-old Louisiana-bred thespian took to his Twitter account this past Friday (March 6) to share photos and video what transpired when he began to notice the rope that was supporting his body weight had begun to fray before he could establish himself in a save spot in the world-renowned Red Rock Canyon in Colorado.
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The , captioned the initial Twitter post featuring a photo him gripping onto the side a cliff and his frayed support rope, writing:
“Not to sound dramatic, but this is the day I nearly died. Took a pretty good fall climbing with @AlexHonnold at Red Rock. Looked up and within seconds the rope was being cut by the rock while I dangled some 600 ft in the air. I remember looking down at the ground below.”
Leto followed up the original Tweet with a short ten-second video the incident where his helmet cam recorded the footage the frantically gasping for air and attempting to calm his nerves, as he states:
“Holy f*cking sh*t! Holy f*ck! It was fraying right at the point!”
With preparing to go into full promo mode prior to the release the “Living Vampire” movie in July, it would be tragic if the world and the production lost their leading man to an unexpected rock climbing accident. Check out Jared Leto’s scary rock climbing moment in the photos and video provided below.