Jay Electronica’s ‘ACT II: Patents of Nobility’ Leaks After 10 Year Wait

Jay Electronica’s ‘ACT II: Patents of Nobility’ Leaks After 10 Year Wait

There was a point in back in the early 2010s where Jay Electronica had Hip-Hop fans across the globe waiting for Act II: Patents of Nobility. False starts throughout the year never materialized in anything and eventually Jay Electronica’s debut album A Written Testimony was released over a decade after “Exhibit C” let us know that Jay Elect was nice.

But what happened to Act II? We never knew. Somehow on Sunday, the album leaked, appearing on Soundcloud and instantly grabbing a hold of the Hip-Hop community that wanted it just as bad as Dr. Dre’s long-rumored Detox.

Jay Elect hit Twitter shortly after the leak and in a tweet and delete revealed that his next move is to get it mastered and brought to TIDAL so the fans can have a proper version. Maybe 2020 isn’t the worst thing after all.


Update: Samples are cleared. Album is available on TIDAL.