Juice WRLD, one the most beloved members the new school rap class, passed away in December 2019 and, according to new reports, his estate is having difficulty appointing a representative for his ongoing legal affairs. The late star’s hit record , including one brought out by pop-punk band Yellowcard. It shouldn’t come as any surprise that the Chicago artist was influenced by a number rock bands during his short-lived career and, after his death, many people expected Yellowcard to drop their lawsuit against him. They are still searching $15 million, claiming that the similarities in melodies between “Lucid Dreams” and their song “Holly Wood Died” are blatant. However, things appear to be stalled because a lack legal representation within Juice WRLD’s estate.

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According to an exclusive report by AllHipHop, the lawsuit is lagging because there is no ficial legal rep appointed to Juice WRLD’s estate. Lawyer Mark C. Humphrey commented on the case, saying: “They have recently learned that Mr. Higgins’s estate has not yet gone through the probate process, and that there presently is no authorized representative to handle the Estate’s affairs. The Estate’s current inability to participate in this action creates a number impediments to Defendants’ defense this action, including but not limited to their ability to conduct a factual investigation.”
Juice WRLD’s estate is reportedly being given until March 3, 2020 to respond to the lawsuit.
In other Juice WRLD-related news, his family and estate are . He reportedly has over 2,000 finished songs in his bank waiting to be dropped and, while not all them will be released, we’re expecting at least one album attributed to the star posthumously.