When it comes to the proper way eating certain foods, many debates have practically divided us as snack-eating civilians. Do you prep sandwiches with or without the crust? Do you bite into a hero sub from the side or down the middle where it’s cut? Do the chips go on top or on the side? Of all the pressing food inquiries though, one the most compelling has definitely been this age-old question: do you eat pizza with or without the cheese? The answer is pretty obvious for rapper , but his response might just shock you as it did to a few his Twitter followers recently.

“Y’all don’t have no swag at all like really you still eat cheese on your pizza,” he wrote to his 5.8 million followers while downing two slices cheese-less pizza while in the city — he also , too! Fans immediately called foul on his defiling a New York classic, almost unanimously giving him a scolding. He did have a few vegans on his side, but even they had a few their own “biting” jokes to throw in. While we can’t condone the treatment a slice pizza in this manner, at least we can confirm that Uzi has a good sense humor.

Take a look at some the funniest responses to ‘s cheese pizza debate below: