Anything is possible in the world . With only one ficial album under his belt, he is undoubtedly one the most mysterious rappers in the game right now without really trying. Over the last year and some change, fans have eagerly awaited the arrival Eternal Atake, an album that may or not may see the light day at any point in the future.

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Uzi’s teased the album, while fans begged, but it’s more complicated than that. . It’s Uzi who’s continuously teased the project as fans has publicly claimed that he can drop it at his own will.
Things seem a bit more promising in 2020. The rapper released what appears to be the first single f the project, “Futsal Shuffle 2020” towards the end 2019 which prompted the viral challenge. He’s already teased a second single f the project without mention when we could receive but it seems like it could be arriving sometime soon. The rapper took to social media earlier today, sharing four separate photos four different women dressed in similar purple dresses against a backdrop a purple sky. It looks a bit cult-ish and, truthfully, a bit frightening if you stare at it for too long.
But what’s even more frightening is the alleged significance the purple robes. One fan tweeted at Uzi, who later retweeted the tweet, revealing that the purple garment is in reference to the same purple coats that covered the bodies at the Heaven’s Gate Mass Suicide, although Uzi confirmed they are not the same coats. Still spooky.