Former first daughter, Malia Obama, was recently spotted galavanting around the Islington neighbourhood London with her British boyfriend two years, Rory Farquharson. Malia and Rory hung out with another couple on Monday near the Regent’s Canal, before heading into the Cambridge pub. According to the source, they “were keeping a low prile but looked really happy and relaxed together.” Despite Malia’s status as a well-known public figure due to her father’s two terms in fice, “few people recognized her as being the daughter to the previous American president.” In fact, the group friends were able to “ramble] around Islington, a pretty busy area, entirely incognito.” The little attention drawn to them may have to do with what appeared to be a lack security detail present, although “an anonymous ‘fice worker’…was walking behind them inconspicuously, and seemed to follow them around the corner, so it’s possible he was secret service being very inconspicuous.”
Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty s
The two them met at Harvard where they are both students, and were after attending a Harvard vs. Yale game together in 2017. They’ve been ficial for approximately two years now, and even recently spent Christmas together at Rory’s family’s $2.4 million dollar home in Islington. Things appear to be getting pretty serious between these two lovebirds, though this was not the first time Malia has had some bonding time with Rory’s family. While she and Rory were shacking up in California last summer, they had brunch with Rory’s parents at a luxury resort at the edge Los Padres National Forest. Rory’s father is a chief executive at a London investment firm and his mother is an accountant, but the Farquharsons are also somewhat connected to the Royal family. Rory’s second cousin, Andrew Farquharson, was a courtier to the Queen before becoming Master the Household at Buckingham Palace. He was awarded the Royal Victorian Order after working for the Queen for 10 years and became Deputy Master the Household for Prince Charles until 2009. While it’s no Rory isn’t totally unfamiliar with having a high prile family.