Former NFL star Michael Strahan is engulfed in a bitter custody battle with one his ex-wives. Twenty years ago, Michael and Jean Muggli fell in love and married. They’d later welcome their twin daughters Isabella and Sophia into the world, but by 2004, the same year the twins were born, the marriage had turned sour. Their divorce was far from amicable, and they’ve floated in and out courtrooms since that time. Jean walked away with $15 million plus $18K per month in child support.

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The custody battle between the ex-couple has once again made headlines as biting accusations have been made about Jean. According to a report by TMZ, Michael claims that Jean has been both emotionally and physically abusive to their 15-year-old twins. The Strahan, Sara and Keke talk show host wants a judge to award and reportedly has pro that Jean is an unfit parent.
TMZ states that Michael alleges “Jean’s not taking their kids to court-ordered therapy sessions and says she’s the reason Sophia and Isabella keep missing their volleyball matches and equestrian events.” and make the move to New York where he lives. They currently reside in North Carolina. In addition to obtaining custody, Michael Strahan is also asking for Jean to be held in criminal and civil contempt.