While the Marvel Cinematic Universe gears up for its ficial, and perhaps most mysterious, fourth phase, Sony Pictures continue to build their own Spidey-centric world. A world that may or may not be linked to the MCU, though that whole situation is a little tricky to navigate; contracts and all. True, despite hosting previously hosting a rampaging Venom, . What there is, however, is beloved antihero slash villain Micheal Morbius, a vampiric scientist first introduced in 1971’s The Amazing Spider-Man #101. 

Today marks the arrival the first trailer for Morbius, starring Jared Leto in the titular role. From the look it, the film appears to be following the classic origin story tropes; we’ve got a physical transformation from sickly to superhuman, a possible love interest slash acting moral compass, and an expectations-exceeding discovery newfound powers. Despite fatigue for stories this nature, the comic-book lore and admittedly badass looking protagonist should make for a flick that’s — at the very least– enjoyable on a surface level. 

And then there’s the trailer’s final scene, which blows the whole thing wide-open. What does it all mean? Who owns what rights? The questions are maddening. Join the madness for yourself