This time around, her three-month-long hiatus was triggered by the desire to bond with Kenneth Petty, her new husband, as they grow their lives together. , the superstar rapper returned to social media with a series new photos, delighting fans who had missed her dearly. .

Pop culture fiends have inspected ‘s new pictures, compared them to her past uploads, and are determining that the Queen may have had some minor procedures done to alter her look. It’s highly likely that she hasn’t gotten anything done. After all, she was already looking stellar pre-hiatus and she certainly didn’t feel a lack confidence in showing f her ever-unique frame. . Although she looks a little slimmer than in past months, that’s likely due to diet and exercise… you know, the way people usually get back into shape. We don’t always need to point to surgery, y’all.

Still, people are reacting online as if Minaj went and knifed up her face, waist, butt, and more. Are you under the impression that she looks any different?