One ‘s last shares to Instagram detailed how and wasn’t letting the behaviour others determine how he feels. The rapper’s mantras have been keeping him going in the right direction since his latest share to his feed sees him posted up in the studio working on something that we can only assume will be pure fire.

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The caption for the image sees Offset sharing a little pre-studio ritual that involves asking the higher power for some support. “SOMETIMES I PRAY BEFORE I RECORD GOD ALLOW ME TO CREATE A VIBE!!!” he wrote. 4 was the last studio album by Offset and we can only hope the next tape arrives sooner than later.
“I cried to myself while I was doing this album ’cause I was talking about my story and my kids,” he said his last project. “When I did a song, I started getting memories my grandma, my struggles, my partner that was killed, the thoughts I had while I was incarcerated, and my kids’ faces were there in my head. I love my kids, this is who I do it for.”