The NFL Halftime show undoubtedly pulled in lots reactions by viewers who were either pleased with the set or unpleased with the fact that. One Ohio man, however, has taken things to another level since he’s planning on suing the NFL, Pepsi and Fox for “contributing to the delinquency a minor.”

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Dave Daubenmire posted a video to Facebook detailing his anger with “the debauchery” the Super Bowl. “Just because past Super Bowls, knew what it was gonna be like and didn’t wanna let that spirit come into my house. But I viewed some stuff today, I didn’t watch the whole thing but I saw parts it today… I saw a lot crotch shots,” he said. He’s now seeking a lawyer to help fight his case since he belives JLo and Shakira have corrupted children. “I think we ought to go sit down in a courtroom and present this as evidence how whoever is keeping me from getting into the kingdom Heaven,” he added.
We’ll have to see how far Dave will get with his case. Peep some reactions below.