When people get bored on the Internet, strange-yet-entertaining things can happen. In the latest episode WTF, Twitter decided to make monthly subscription website OnlyFans, which is now the go-to platform for those with entrepreneurial amateur *** aspirations, a trending topic by using a rhyming technique mainly associated with hashtag rap. Strange yet wildly entertaining, indeed!

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We can’t exactly say where or who this started with, but it definitely has seemed to take Twitter by storm for the time being. Basically, the rules are pretty simple: Make a statement that starts with “OnlyFans, but…,” add your own clever quip, leave a few spaces in between and then finally end your tweet with “Only __” by filling the blank with something that rhymes with “fans” but also ties back to your original statement. Being that SoundCloud rappers and emcees like , and have made chart-topping hits utilizing the technique, your next tweet could probably lead to a Billboard Hot 100 hit. If not, at least you can get a few subscribers out it all if “pay-for-play” is your thing.
Check out a few our favorite hashtag rap OnlyFans tweets below, and share some your own down below in the comments: