The OVO camp is constantly working and it appears as though they’re readying a major year ahead. In the last few weeks, we’ve received new music from and a lengthy interview — a sure sign he has an album on the way — confirmation a new album, and dropped his debut project on the label, among other things. But it appears as though we’ve received a hint at who on the OVO roster will deliver the label’s first album the 2020s.

DVSN initially announced their  but fans spent the majority the year wondering whether it would arrive before the end the year. It didn’t but it appears as though we aren’t too far away from receiving the project. DVSN’s Nineteen85 confirmed on Twitter this week that the album is on the way and is set to arrive in February. He didn’t clarify when it would be arriving but given the fact that Valentine’s Day lands on a Friday, it would appear to be a perfect opportunity to release some baby-makin’ music.

Since the album’s announcement, they rolled out a few singles throughout the year. They came through with two new songs in the summer, “Miss Me?” and “In Between” and at the end October, they teamed up with on