is currently embarking on his nationwide Runaway Tour, and somewhere along the journey he came across a very friendly Clydesdale horse that seems to love him just as much as his millions fans across the world.

Astrida Valigorsky/Getty s
Although the last tour stop went down a few days ago in Uniondale (seen above), Posty’s horsey photo that he posted on IG earlier today seems to be from his visit to St Louis earlier this month. The location puts him at the Anheuser-Busch brewery where Budweiser and its sub-brand Bud Light are made, and as we all know Malone is one Bud Light’s newest and biggest brand ambassadors. The Runaway Tour did in fact make a stop in St Louis on February 7, so it looks like he either saved this flick as a #LaterGram post or made a very quick trip back to Missouri to visit the Clydesdales that make for memorable tourist attractions for all visitors the 168-year-old beer complex. We’ll go with the former scenario since he only had one day f to make his way to Philly tonight for a performance at the Wells Fargo Center. Then again, who knows what’s possible when you’re dealing with the life a rock star!
Peep Post Malone’s love for Clydesdale horses below, and cop tickets to the Runaway Tour right now by clicking here: