Report: Biden Campaign Fundraised a One Hour Record $3.8 Million During the Debate

Report: Biden Campaign Fundraised a One Hour Record $3.8 Million During the Debate

Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign received a record-breaking boast of donations to his campaign during Tuesday’s debate.

The Hill reports Biden raised $3.8 million between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., beating a one-hour record for a campaign on the ActBlue fundraising platform. The time frame captures the last half hour of the Cleveland-based debate.

Throughout the debate, Biden aimed to speak directly to the people, opposed to trump who targeted both Biden and debate moderator Chris Wallace.

“Joe Biden spoke directly to the American people tonight and they are responding,” Biden campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said in a statement.

The latest record-breaking fundraising moment follows a record-breaking $364.5 million in August after the selection of Sen. Kamala Harris and the Democratic National Convention and he entered September with $466 million in cash reserves.