When it comes to work and productivity, we are all a little off. It’s okay, be gentle with yourself, set a schedule and stick to it as much as possible, and create a daily task list.
The next thing from doing the work is the environment you work in. Many of us are now working remotely, while it is very comfortable to work on your sofa with a blanket, we need to do our best to create a space so our mind can focus accordingly. This can be as simple as clearing off a table area during the hours you work or finding a designated space to work. If that is your coffee table and couch, no worries. Set it up in a way that will help you be as productive as possible.

If you want to go deeper and improve or clear energy in any area of your world try Feng Shui. This ancient art pronounced (fung shway) shares how the special area and placement of items in your space affect the energy flow in your life.
Productivity and focus are key elements for you to accomplish your tasks if you are working and your focus is fluctuating try these Feng Shui techniques to get you back on track.
When you begin any Feng Shui project start with a Bagua Map. This is a guide that shows what areas of your space are connected to the areas of your life. From there, the guide can help you get everything in order.
Here are some tips to Feng Shui your space for productivity.
1. Entrance: The entrance should be free from obstructions. A great entranceway provides an immediate view of something inspiring like artwork or a great view. Essential oils help with the sensory experience of your space.
2. Office: This area should look like your personality. You can add plants such as Bamboo and/or Jade and accessories that will help your space. Colors and frames can create many shifts in your work area. You also want to consider a space that will help you reduce as much clutter as possible. This is a general tip to keep in mind as work location and structure has changed. If you have a home office or back in the office these tips will help.
3. Desk: The ideal placement for your desk is facing the door. If this is not an option, a well-placed mirror that gives a view of the door will make it more powerful.
The Bagua Map is a great guide to see where you naturally place items vs. where you should be placing items to get the full benefit of Feng Shui. This is a general overview of tips.
Download the map above at Open Spaces Feng Shui