We all have those days when our focus is completely off and our brain feels less than functional. These foods have some great health benefits. They are also known to help your focus and boost your brain power.
Before you reach for that chocolate or coffee think color, spices, and leafy greens. Your brain will thank you.
Leafy Greens. First up greens, greens and more greens. If you incorporate leafy green vegetables such as romaine, arugula, swiss chard, spinach, broccoli, and/or sea vegetables into your diet your body will be blessed with ultimate health. There are many nutrients in leafy greens such as lutein (helps eyesight), folate (good for heart health), carotenoids (brain protectors), vitamin A, C, and E (immune system booster) and antioxidants.
Curry. This is a spice has benefits and it can add taste to your food. Research has shown that the use of curry may prove beneficial in the prevention of amyloid, a plaque accumulation in the brain of many Alzheimer’s patients. Turmeric, one of the principal spices in curry that fights inflammation, lowers artery clogging cholesterol, and prevents cancer growth.
Berries. Packed with antioxidants and an abundance of colors, berries have the ability to fight off a lot of illnesses. Berries contain polyphenols, this is an agent that gives the fruit their deep hue and also activate proteins. This, in turn, will clean up the damaged cells by breaking down and recycling toxic chemicals linked to age-related mental decline.
Whole Grains. Foods such as brown rice, whole oats, and barley are beneficial because these foods aid in the improvement of circulation. They also contain essential fibers as well as B1, B2, and B6 vitamins that are essential for brain health.