Tom Morello Rages Against the Murky Iowa Caucus Results
That tracks.
In addition to making his guitar sound like a divebombing attack plane, Rage Against the Machine strummer Tom Morello has some legit knowledge of how politics works. That might explain why the former aide to California Sen. Alan Cranston who graduated cum laude form Harvard with a BA in political science felt free to unleash his furious anger on the political process this week after the democrats seemingly botched up the Iowa caucus in new and inexplicable ways.
"Since my grim stint as a US Senator’s aid I don’t usually weigh in on electoral stuff but if what happened in Iowa had happened in Iran or Venezuela there would be calls for a US invasion to topple an democratic regime," he tweeted on Thursday night (Feb. 6). He's got a point. Five days after the caucus, the traditional first contest in the Democratic Party presidential primaries, the full results are still not in due to a reported glitch in a new app that was used to tabulate and report results.
Since my grim stint as a US Senator’s aid I don’t usually weigh in on electoral stuff but if what happened in Iowa had happened in Iran or Venezuela there would be calls for a US invasion to topple an democratic regime.
— Tom Morello (@tmorello) February 6, 2020
The situation could not have come at a worse time for the party, as it put the race to replace Pres. Trump into chaos just as the commander-in-tweet took a boisterous victory lap on Thursday in the wake of his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial. Now, the chair of the U.S. Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, has asked for a recanvass of the votes in order to ensure accuracy in the results.
At press time, former South Bend, Indiana, mayor Pete Buttigieg was a hair in front of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, with former vice president and putative frontrunner Joe Biden in fourth place behind Sen. Elizabeth Sanders.