Between the senseless murdering of unarmed men and women, the country being set ablaze, and the governments almost 3 month ‘stay at home’ order— we are all fighting to stay upbeat and optimistic. Despite the influx of people seen venturing outside and holding small gatherings, COVID-19 is still a virus that is still a serious threat. Many cities around the country have reopened and allowed businesses to partially open. Many disease specialists predict a second wave of Coronavirus and a surge in cases following the nation’s reopening.
The Source has compiled a list of must-haves to keep you healthy, strong and happy during this devastating pandemic.

1. Sea Moss: this magical seaweed has been around for ages but has made a comeback following Covid-19 which attacks the respiratory system. Sea moss clears the lungs of pollutants and mucus, boosts energy, has antiviral abilities, improves libido and so much more. Found in the Caribbean sea in rushing waters, the late Dr. Sebi often spoke about the benefits of sea moss. The superfood contains 92 minerals out of the 102 the body is made of. This sea vegetable is most commonly used in gel form added to teas, soups and smoothies. Added Bonus: Sea moss gel can be used as a face mask and applied topically to heal eczema, psoriasis and various skin conditions.

2. Sunlight: Vitamin D is a must to maintain mental health. Forced to stay indoors since March has had an effect on everyone from the kids to adults. Spending time in natural sunlight enhances moods and regulates the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy . Vitamin D is often referred to as “the sunshine vitamin” because the sun is one of the best sources of this nutrient. Mushrooms, orange juice, as well as fatty fish, like tuna, mackerel, and salmon are some foods that also contain Vitamin D.

3. A Cloth Face Mask: When COVID-19 was first introduced to the states, the CDC told Americans to save N95 masks for health professionals. Now they have updated their guidelines on the use of masks. It now recommends you wear one in public. Some of your favorite clothing brands have begun manufacturing their own masks and there’s several tutorials online on how to make your own cloth masks. Cloth face coverings along with other methods of protection against COVID will keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.. Masks are worn to help protect others from you, if you happen to carry the disease and protect you from others. Either way this summer with cases possibly on the rise, you don’t want to leave home without one.

4. Water Purifier: You don’t need to run out and buy all of the bottled water in sight to make sure your family stays hydrated. It’s just a lot of wasted BPA water and plastic. A quick surefire method to ensure you have an unlimited supply…filter your water. Amazon sells several high quality filters that will clean and purify your tap water. Bonus move…add your water to glass jars with a squeeze of key lime to alkaline your water.

5. Positive Material: Balance is necessary even during times where you are uncertain and anxious. It’s easy to fall into depression when things seem to weigh on a person. A simple trip to the supermarket or drugstore is a struggle for some who fear the unknown of the deadly virus. Reading uplifting and inspiring material can keep endorphins moving and adds to your overall being. Years ago while working on tour, rapper MF DOOM changed my life by giving the book Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. Full of knowledge and jewels to help direct your focus on life, what you read and watch is just as important as what you eat.
Check back tomorrow for part 2 of our COVID-19 must have list!