fans rise up, as all signs point to him becoming a fully-immortalized Fortnite character when Season 2 the popular battle royale lands in full. Though it’s yet to be made ficial, a Fortnite miner and leaker by the name  Lucas7Yoshi unearthed several pieces code indicating that Travis will play a major role in the upcoming drop. His findings point to both a skin and emote from the “Sicko Mode” rapper, along with several other pieces La Flame’s signature aesthetic. 

As now, it’s unclear whether Travis’ inclusion is part Epic Games’ Icon series, which has already brought streamer Ninja, Marshello, and Major Lazer into the fold with various pieces exclusive content. Should the mined information prove accurate, expect to see no shortage Travis Scott avatars running amok and wreaking havoc — conversely, haters should have a field day in sending the Astroworld’s digital counterpart f to meet his maker. 

It’s a logical move for Travis Scott, who previously partook in a and the aforementioned Ninja. There’s something to be said about a man who knows his audience. And while Epic Games have yet to ficially comment on La Flame’s inclusion, it wouldn’t be the first time a miner has unearthed a developer’s best-laid plans with startling accuracy. Are you excited for Fortnite‘s Season 2?

Travis Scott "Fortnite" Skin & Emote Rumors Heat Up

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