Twitter Confirms Donald Trump Can Never Return to the Social Media Platform

Twitter Confirms Donald Trump Can Never Return to the Social Media Platform

You will never see another tweet from Donald Trump ever again. Twitter CFO Ned Segal revealed on CNBC’s Squawk Box Wednesday that Trump’s ban is lifetime.

“The way our policies work, when you’re removed from the platform, you’re removed from the platform, whether you’re a commentator, you’re a CFO, or you are a former or current public official,” said Segal.

Trump’s ban is now just over a month old after he used Twitter to communicate with insurrectionists during the January 6 attack on the nation’s capitol during the confirmation of the electoral college votes, which would formally name Joe Biden as the next president.


“Remember, our policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violence,” Segal added. “If anybody does that, we have to remove them from the service and our policies don’t allow people to come back.”

You can see his appearance on the show below.