15 Things Musicians Did to Help Us Survive 2020 Without Live Music Concerts
This was the year that everything changed in the music industry. The pandemic required restrictions and new rules for everyone to play by, including musicians. But rockers are a creative and resilient bunch, finding ways to keep us entertained and help us survive our new normal without the ability to attend live concerts in person.
With this list, we celebrate 15 things musicians did to help us survive 2020 without live concerts.
For one, the Internet has opened new ways to connect with fans for several decades now, but in 2020 online communication took on greater importance than ever for artists and their fans. From socially distanced Zoom covers (we see you Charlie Benante) to social media special features (much respect to Steel Panther), we found new ways to feel just as close to the music (and musicians) we love.
And concerts? Well, they didn't completely go away, but they did take on a new look in 2020. An old time entertainment platform got revived as one way to put on a show while the boom of the livestream concert provided sometimes inventive ways for acts to get back to the now suddenly vacant venues and deliver something close to a traditional live concert.
Have a look below as we reflect on the year that was and how artists adapted to connect with fans and help us survive a 2020 without live concerts.