Accept’s Wolf Hoffmann Names Band’s Two Most Rewarding Albums
With a career as lengthy as Accept‘s, there are plenty of highs and lows, but during his recent appearance on Full Metal Jackie’s weekend radio show, Accept guitarist Wolf Hoffmann revealed his two most personally rewarding album cycles of the band’s career.
It may come as little surprise to anyone that he picked Balls to the Wall, which introduced them to a more global fanbase, but he also wanted to reflect how big a record Blood of the Nations was for the band, especially given everything surrounding it with a new singer and a return after some time away.
Hoffmann was on hand to also hype up the band’s latest album, Humanoid, and he explains how the title plays into a very prominent conversation in today’s society. He also offers insight into the band’s new songs “Frankenstein” and the AC/DC-esque track “Straight Up Jack.”
The guitarist also shares his appreciation for working with producer Andy Sneap and speaks of the changes in the industry as the band approaches their 50th anniversary. Check out more of the chat below.
It’s Full Metal Jackie. On the show with us this week, the one and only Wolf Hoffmann of Accept. The band has a full year of touring ahead of them as they promote the excellent new album, Humanoid and Wolf, very topical, as always. Can you talk about naming the album Humanoid and the challenges you face as a band in an increasingly tech heavy world?
We figured this is a very up to date topic because right now, everybody’s talking about AI and technology being overwhelming, and so it was on our mind as well. I wrote that song “Humanoid,” not really thinking about too much at the time, but as all the songs were finished, we thought this is the most current topic we have, and it should definitely be the album title.
That’s how it all came about. And it’s on a lot of people’s minds, isn’t it?
Accept, “Humanoid”
Wolf, I want to talk about another song off the record. “Frankenstein.” It’s a story that’s been passed down through the generations, but what was it about the story of Frankenstein that served as inspiration here? Musically, it feels like it fits pretty well with the Humanoid theme.
Yeah. Funny enough, there’s a certain overlap, if you think about it, Frankenstein’s maybe the original antique version of a humanoid. It’s definitely funny, and it’s more or less coincidence, because Uwe [Lulis]wrote that song. He came up with a basic concept, and he was singing “Frankenstein” and this and that, and then we gave it to Mark [Tornillo] and he came up with a story for it.
It’s funny how these things sometimes end up being on the album, even though there was by no means intentional in a way. We didn’t sit down and say, “Okay, We’re going to write a bunch of songs about humanoids and Frankenstein, monsters and things like that. It’s just pure coincidence.
Accept, “Frankenstein”
Wolf, digging into this album, I have to share my love for “Straight Up Jack,” which definitely has an AC DC vibe to it. Mark’s voice compliments that style very well. It manages to feel like a nod to a classic band, but still has that Accept vibe. Did the song come about intent on having such an AC DC feel, or was it something that came naturally and you leaned into it?
It’s interesting. Sometimes Mark writes lyrics without the music being there. So he sent us these lyrics and I really liked them a lot. I thought, “Wow, that really is how Mark is. That’s how he thinks. That’s how he operates.” He likes to go to a bar, he likes to drink, and he’s also a straight shooter. That’s Mark. But then when the music, I struggled initially.
I wrote a couple of tunes for it, and I sent it back to Mark, and he was like, “No, no, I don’t hear it that way. Just wait until we’re together in the studio.” Then he sang it to me the way he heard it, and then it turned into this sort of kind of an AC/DC inspired song, which fits perfectly.
It kind of was created backwards. Normally you write music first, but in this case, the lyrics were there, and then Mark and I did it together.
Accept, “Straight Up Jack”
Wolf Hoffmann of Accept on the show with us. And Wolf, this album pairs you with Andy Sneap once again. What is it about that working relationship that’s made it one that you want to revisit? How has Andy impacted what you do musically?
It just works. We’re a great team together. We understand each other. We know each other really well from having worked over the years so many times that. It almost feels like a no brainer, you know? Like I say, never change a winning team. And I think we are winning with Andy. So that’s not even a question who you should work with. It really feels like such an easy process in a way now after all these years, you know? So I, uh, hope we can continue that forever and ever.
Wolf, like many of your peers, you’re reaching that 50th anniversary mark here soon. What have been the biggest changes you’ve seen in 50 years of recording music. And what’s been for the better and for the worse in terms of how things have advanced?
The whole landscape has changed tremendously. If you think about. When we started, there weren’t so many bands, and it was all about getting that record deal with a major label. And then the goal was always to sell millions of albums, if possible.
Think about how much that all has changed. Now it’s all about digital downloads and streaming. So the way that we distribute music has changed completely and how we consume music, too, you know? But I tell you what hasn’t changed. It’s the touring aspect of things.
It’s really still very much like it always was. You pack your gear, you get the guys together, and you travel to wherever you have to travel, and you play your songs in front of an audience, and that’s pretty much like it always was. And that’s great. I think the experience of a live show has as much value, or maybe even more value than it ever did because of all the digital digitization. That’s even a word.
And there’s tour news. KK’s Priest and Accept are going on tour in the fall for a North American tour. Wolf, looking back upon your history, what album cycle was most personally rewarding for you? I’m not saying it has to be the best album, just saying that everything associated with that period from recording, touring, and how things in your life were personally. what was your favorite album period in this band?
Yeah, that’s a nice question. There was actually two albums that really stand out for me. It was definitely Balls to the Wall, 1984, because it was our first time that we ever broke out of Europe. We signed an international deal with Sony, and we toured the United States for the first time. And we basically came out of provincial Germany or Europe and saw the world. That album really made a huge difference for us in our career.
Then the other album was Blood of the Nations. When we reformed in 2009 and found Mark Tornillo as the new singer, it was really against all odds when that album was released and coming back with a new lead singer is always a huge challenge. We were quite aware of how difficult it would be, and we weren’t sure how it would go or what the fans would say. But then when it did come out of, my God, it changed everything. It was also a major stepping stone, or whatever you want to call it at that time. Really everything changed immediately. When that album came out, it started a whole new chapter in our career.
READ MORE: Accept Guitarist Never Realized the Band’s Classical Influence
Wolf, so great to catch up with you, and I wish you the best of luck for all that is to come in 2024.
Thank you very much. Really looking forward to coming back to the United States. And this package with KK’s priest is going to be amazing, you know? So come and see us.
Thanks to Wolf Hoffmann of Accept for the interview. The band’s Humanoid album is available now. Stay up to date with the band through their website, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and Spotify accounts. Find out where you can hear Full Metal Jackie’s weekend radio show here.
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Gallery Credit: Lauryn Schaffner