Attila Fire Drummer Bryan McClure Following Rape + Grooming Allegations
Attila drummer Bryan McClure has been dismissed from the band after being accused of sexual assault by a former girlfriend. A former fan has also come forward to accuse McClure of grooming her beginning at age 16, when he was in his early 30s.
Eileen Anderson posted a lengthy statement on her social media pages today (June 25), accusing McClure of vaginally and anally raping her while she was unconscious. She writes about the alleged incident below, which took place on Attila’s tour bus after snorting what they believed to be cocaine, but turned out to be speed.
One night we thought we were doing coke with a couple of other guys and it ended up being speed which no one wanted. It was time for the buses to leave and we are drinking and having fun on the bus and out of nowhere Bryan gets blackout again and starts saying "you don't fucking like me, you only want me because of the band I'm in". Looking at one of the techs and other band members and just going off on his usual degrading tangents. I remember someone telling him "no dude, she loves you and that's not how it is". It was an extremely awkward situation for everyone involved and he wouldn't stop.
We started fighting and he got up to yell at me in my face and the bus swerved and he accidentally fell into me hard which caused me to start gushing blood everywhere out of my nose. His guitar tech and guitarist were the ones who took care of me immediately while he didn't even notice right away because he was all worked up and angry. While blood is getting cleaned up off me and I'm crying the lights turned back on mentally for him and started getting emotional and trying to care for me saying "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry!" Trying to hug me and I'm extremely angry at him for his usual drunk actions.
I go into the back lounge to get away from him and he soon follows after. He tries to hug me and I go "don't you fucking touch me" "get the fuck away from me". Then we start fighting again and I was just so emotionally done that I laid on the couch in the fetal position crying until I completely passed out.
I woke up some time later and my pants were somewhat pulled down thinking it was weird and got into the bunk where he was asleep still angry at him but didn't want the band to see what was going on. I woke up the next day to use the restroom and wondered why it stung to pee and hurt really bad to sit down. I wiped myself and saw blood. Then I started wiping more and realized I wasn't just vaginally bleeding. I don't like anything anally done to me and it just internally clicks why my pants were pulled down earlier and I start crying.
I come back and everyone on the bus is laughing because they have photos of a blacked out Bryan completely naked walking around the bus coming from the back room that night. I'm so isolated and sad feeling and don't know what to do because I just found out I was raped by my boyfriend. Bryan also made a lot of points to tell me his band mates didn't like me so I already felt like an unwanted guest in their "home". [via Metal Injection]
Anderson also uploaded screenshots of a text exchange where an individual named Bryan (with the initials BM) admits to the sexual assault. “I totally forgot about that yes I’ve told [Attila] and I’ve apologized multiple times for that,” the text reads. “We did fucking speed that night and blacked the fuck out. That’s not who I am.”
Anderson’s statement and text exchange can be read in full below.
Before this above allegation was made, a 19-year-old woman accused McClure of grooming her from age 16 and eventually asking her for nudes once she turned 17. McClure would have been 31 at the time. She posted the following on Twitter along with DM exchanges with McClure:
“Back in 2017 i met attila. i was 16. i began talking to Bryan. attila was one of my favorite bands and i was just ecstatic to have someone i admired give me attention. i was 17 when he first asked me for nudes. i’ve heard allegations about fronz and i know how manipulative that band is. they have no regard for age or sobriety when it comes to women consenting. below i’ve posted screenshots. last time i called out Bryan was for making ableist comments on my snapchat and i was immediately shut down. i won’t let it happen again.”
Attila announced today (June 25) that they’ve parted ways with McClure following the allegations:
Over the last 4 years, Attila has been a three piece band. We were absolutely disgusted to learn of some recent events surrounding a touring member of the band, and earlier this week we parted ways with that member. We do not condone his actions, and we stand with the victims. We are deeply sorry to those affected and want nothing more than love and healing for them.
– Fronz, Chris, & Kalan.
Last week, Attila vocalist Chris ‘Fronz’ Fronzak was accused of sexual misconduct, which he later addressed with a statement. Attila bassist Kalan Blehm has been publicly accused of sleeping with a fan while she was underage:
This is a developing story. Additional news will be posted as it comes in. Loudwire has received permission from McClure's two accusers to publish their tweets in this article.