Cannibal Corpse’s George ‘Corpsegrinder’ Fisher Guests on Upcoming Dee Snider Album
Dee Snider has a new solo album coming out, and Cannibal Corpse vocalist George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher has a guest spot on the record, called Leave a Scar, from the former Twisted Sister singer.
That’s what Snider revealed in a tweet this week, the musician appearing quite pleased after hearing a mix of the track that he promised is “HAAAAAARD” with, that’s right, six A’s. Further, the tune shares something with Hatebreed bandleader Jamey Jasta — he’s worked with Snider before — whom the Twisted Sister icon also mentioned in his message.
What kind of song do you think Snider and “Corpsegrinder” have in store? We’ll have to wait and see, but in the meantime, the Twisted Sister rocker talked up the collab he called “Time to Chose.”
“HOLY HELL!!” Snider said on Wednesday. “Just heard mix of a duet (if you can call something this brutal that) with me and #corpsegrinder of Cannibal Corpse for my next album! ‘Time to Chose’ is BEYOND HEAVY! @jameyjasta @CorpseOfficial #HAAAAAARD !!!”
Did someone say brutal?
Jasta also produced Snider’s previous solo album, 2018’s For the Love of Metal. Last year, as Blabbermouth pointed out, Snider said of Jasta, “He is the gatekeeper, the master. As all ideas are brought in, they’re filtered through Jamey, his ears, and have to get a thumbs-up from him before it makes it to the record. But now we no longer have to do that ‘Is this gonna work?’ thing. And for me, it’s, ‘Do I trust these guys?’ I mean, I trusted them in the sense that they were friends, but when Jamey challenged me to do the metal record, I had my doubts. I don’t wanna say its doubts, but [I thought], ‘How is this gonna work?’ So there was an initial thing where we were all feeling each other out. Now, after two years of working together … we come in and we don’t have to waste any time with that.”
Not long ago, Snider told Q104.3 that his imminent new album would be “very heavy,” adding that “there are some surprises on there that I think people are gonna really be excited about.
Leave a Scar is due out this summer. Twisted Sister as a band called it a day back in 2016. Earlier this month, it emerged that one of their longtime stagehands is now a public health official helping coordinate the COVID-19 vaccination response in Baltimore.