Corey Taylor Tests Positive for COVID-19
Slipknot singer Corey Taylor has confirmed he has tested positive for COVID-19.
He was set to perform as a solo artist this weekend at the Astronomicon convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan, but has dropped out after issuing a video update through the event's Facebook page, revealing his diagnosis while expressing regret that he would be unable to hit the stage for his fans.
"Hello, Astronomicon, Corey here. I hope everybody is well. I wish I had better news. I woke up today and tested positive, and I'm very, very sick. So I'm not gonna be able to make it this weekend, and I am absolutely devastated. I am so sorry," he began.
"I hope everyone has a good time, and I promise you I will absolutely try to get back there as soon as I can. I should be okay — it's the flu. I'm vaccinated, so I'm not worried. But I certainly wouldn't want to spread it to anyone else. So, everybody be safe out there. And thank you so much. And I will see you again, I promise."
Watch the video clip toward the bottom of the page.
Speaking about vaccine hesitancy last month, Taylor lamented the politicization of the coronavirus vaccines and told Heavy Consequence, "The fact that [vaccines] have been demonized, almost to the point of these gnarly conspiracy theories, no wonder why people are afraid of it — because they’re listening to the wrong people."
He continued, "Do I think it should be a requirement for people to be vaccinated to go to shows? Yes and no. Here’s the thing: there shouldn’t be a mandate, but guess what, man, if you’re going to put people at risk of getting sick, you shouldn’t want to go to a show. That’s common sense. And if you do put people at risk, then you’re a fuckin’ asshole. And you shouldn’t be let in anyway. So, for me, it’s a common sense thing, but we don’t have a lot of common sense these days, man."
Taylor was in the midst of winding down an August solo tour, which featured an appearance at the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and the run also starred special guests Cherry Bombs, the dance troupe of which his wife, Alicia, founded. Cherry Bombs had to drop off the run on Aug. 16 for undisclosed reasons.
Loudwire wishes Corey Taylor a quick and full recovery.