Cringe or Not? – Nik Nocturnal Reacts to Metal TikToks
Twitch and YouTube personality Nik Nocturnal is back to react to our Loud List of Metalhead TikToks That Don’t Suck.
Or do they? Nik had some big opinions on our Loud List, as well as the TikTok platform in general. “I’m somewhat of a metalhead TikTok poser myself,” Nik says. “I can definitely bank the statement that there is a lot of very bad content on there. But metal on TikTok, especially in the mainstream, gets a bad wrap, so I’m curious to see what Loudwire considers good TikTok content. I’m very well prepared for the cringe… it’s still TikTok.”
Nik definitely did cringe at a few clips, like a clip of “an innocent and good boy” doing the no-no square dance only to be attacked by the influence of heavy metal. Nik also couldn’t get behind a clip of someone reacting to The Office theme song suddenly turning into MCR.
However, Nik gave his seal of approval to breeboi_j and his guttural time lapse of how your voice naturally changes when you start listening to metal. He also gave high praise to Live Without, aka the ‘What the f—k is up Denny’s’ band. “This is a legendary, god-tier clip anywhere on the Internet,” Nik says.
Check out the full video of Nik Nocturnal reacting to metalhead TikToks below.
Follow Nik Nocturnal on Twitch (where you can see even more of June's most viral news), YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Spotify. Nik's trap metal project NIK NXK also released new single "BURNOUT." Check that out here.