Discogs Seller Writes Sentimental Letter About Vinyl Collection
There are a ton of ways to consume music today, but tangible media seems to hold the most value because it can be passed on to different generations. A photo of a sentimental letter from a Discogs seller has surfaced online, where they explain the reason they are selling their vinyl collection.
A user on Twitter posted the photo of the letter, noting that it was a recent Discogs order. The seller’s username is GoldmanMedia78, and the album that was sold was J.J. Jackson’s The Greatest Little Soul Band in the Land.
The letter was signed by an individual named Fiona, whose parents died the year prior to the purchase of this particular vinyl LP. In the midst of clearing out her family’s house, she decided to sell some of her father’s very expansive vinyl collection — roughly 3,000 records — many of which were still gifted to him, and remain unplayed and unopened.
Her dad had worked for some time in the music industry, and made connections with artists such as Dolly Parton when she was first starting out.
“He made regular visits to Nashville and met so many of his idols through the years and as you can probably imagine, his stories at the dinner table were legendary,” Fiona wrote.
“So, this is a very emotional journey for me with many memories resurfacing, but my overwhelming feeling is how happy my father would be if he could see me now; cataloguing his entire record collection and trying to find new homes for his much-loved LPs,” she continued.
Despite the emotions that come with selling items that carry a strong familial history, Fiona believes that her father would want the records to go to people who would enjoy playing them. “And don’t worry, I’m keeping back the ones I know had true sentimental value to my father… they’re the ones going into my own personal record collection,” she added.
Read the full letter below.
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