Fundraisers Set Up to Help Bad Brains’ Singer H.R. Pay Rent
The global pandemic has taken a toll on many in the music industry, among them Bad Brains singer H.R. Recently a GoFundMe campaign was launched to help the musician, who had fallen behind in his rent as a result of the inability to play shows.
According to the GoFundMe campaign site, H.R. had already fallen behind in rent and owed eight months back rent. An initial goal on the campaign was set at $20,000, with fans already rallying to eclipse the mark.
In 2017, the singer underwent brain surgery to help combat a rare neurological condition called SUNCT that resulted in excruciating headaches and intense pain. Fans helped out financially in that case too as H.R.'s medical bills piled up. Now facing another financial challenge, friends are rallying behind the singer.
"Let’s all come together to cover this incredible human's debt and the next couple months so he and his wife Lori can rest a little easier and not be forced out of their home," reads the campaign pitch. "One of the greatest vocalists and performers of all time, this man has influenced generations of music and been a driving force in the culture. Beyond being a revolutionary musician he is a true humanitarian who has spent a lifetime inspiring people all over the world through a life of creation." At press time, over $31,000 had been collected. If you wish to donate to the GoFundMe campaign, you can do so here.
There's also another fundraiser seeking to help the Bad Brains singer, as a number of IKONS H.R. Bad Brains screen prints will be made available tomorrow (June 26) for purchase via Garageland.net. Xray, the creator of the print, writes, "As a long time fan of Bad Brains I was honored when they asked me to design their print for Riot Fest a couple of years ago. So when I was informed of the financial hard times that H.R. of Bad Brains was currently enduring due to his inability to perform because of COVID-19 I knew that I had to do something to help."
The limited edition prints will be available for pre-sale starting tomorrow (June 26), shipping on July 3 with the proceeds from the sale going directly to help the musician. Each of the prints will be signed and numbered by Xray. Head to Garageland.net starting Friday to get yours.
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